Ready to Tackle Your IBS and SIBO?

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Happy to have you here and so glad you are ready to take the steps to break free from your IBS & SIBO! Please take a few minutes to schedule your complimentary clarity call and complete the application form so I can learn more about your journey so far.

If I believe you would be a great fit for the program, I will approve your application and session request. During the clarity call, we can discuss the help that you need and how my program can help you acheive your goals.

Hi, I'm Katrina, your IBS & SIBO Dietitian!

Love your guts!

Don't just take my word for it!

Kind Words from Former Clients

"I don't know that I can truly articulate how much Katrina has helped me and what that's done for my quality of life, but I will try! Katrina's approach and method has literally changed my whole life and views on food. From helping me modify food I used to enjoy (prior to a restrictive diet) to be low FODMAP & going through that to identify any possible food triggers, to pushing me to advocate for myself, giving me the tools to ease symptoms, reintroducing FODMAPs, identifying non food triggers, We've not only pretty much healed my gut but my mental health has also improved majorly. Iw know how to eat, I can eat literally anything (and if any symptoms do pop up I know exactly how to ease them) and so much freedom comes with that. I use to eat wildly because the SIBO was so bad anything would cause my symptoms. Then I ate super restrictive, to the point where I'd eat once a day and it would be like greens and a few nuts. To low FODMAP with Katrina, in a methodical way. And now I eat intentionaly, while also being able to enjoy "junk" food when I want to. I literally feel "normal", which was not the case for 10+ years!"

- lizdey g

"Frankly, when I first connected with Katrina, I was beyond terrified to invest in her and spend tons of money only for it to fail. I was on the verge of hopelessness. But, I was desperate enough that I knew I had no other choice. So I jumped in.

Words literally cannot describe what Katrina means to me. Katrina has been a breath of fresh air. She has fought for me and has been my advocate in every sense of the word. She refuses to take no for an answer and will do literally everything in her power to find the solution.

 Now, I'm pleased to report that my nausea, acid reflux, and bloating are all gone! My trigger foods are basically gone now! This girl is soooo happy to be able to eat guacamole, hummus, tacos, gyros, and other amazing foods again! Because of Katrina, I have my life back.

Go all in. Whatever Katrina suggests to buy or do, do it. But, know that at the end of the day, it's truly a process and you've gotta let your body do it's thing."

- Sarah v.

Working with Katrina was literally life-changing. Joining the weekly support group was so good for my mental health because it let me connect with others going through the exact same thing as me. Katrina helped me finally get rid of the SIBO by getting to the root cause and NOT having to do a 3rd round of antibiotics. As she states over and over again, if you don't deal with the root cause, then antibiotics aren't going to cure you. She goes over your weekly food, mood, and stool journals to help you figure out what to change in your diet to help support your gut. She recommends probiotics and/or supplements based specifically on the type of SIBO you have that are proven to work. She doesn't just throw supplement after supplement at you. She listens to you and if you say something isn't working, then she figures out a different way. She doesn't give up on you, which is what I needed after dealing with SIBO for almost 2 years. Now I can finally eat all my favorite foods again without worrying if it's going to send me into a pain/nausea spiral for days. I have energy and can go out to events or on hikes without worrying about where the nearest bathroom is. I feel normal and healthy again!

- Meaghan m

"I had been following Katrina on IG and I love her humor and she just comes across real AF... and in my experience, she really is. She has a very deep understanding of symptoms and root causes, and the foods and treatments that can help address them. I came to understand that I have low stomach acid and slow motility. During this time I also learned how to be more self-aware about my physical symptoms, I had been mistaking constipation with bloating, for example. She taught me about gut diversity which is a concept I had never come across in my past 20 years of research into things like candida and leaky gut (both things that I had self-diagnosed myself with). Also through the work we did during the reintroduction phase, I have identified that I am lactose intolerant and can only tolerate small amounts of certain other foods at a time (like cauliflower & peas). Being armed with this knowledge I feel so much more confident in my day-to-day and I really understand why I feel the way I do. Yes, my quality of life is better, my good friends continue to comment on how great I look and that my skin is glowing – and I've been slowing getting back into exercising and it simply feels amazing."

- meghan

If you are bloated everyday and cannot pinpoint why, take this quiz to get more insight on what could be happening!

What is your bloat telling you?

Take the Quiz!

Check Out These Easy And Delicious Recipes On The Blog

Lemon & Blueberry Chickpea Blondies

low fodmap chia seed jam

low fodmap veggie egg bites

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